Have you recently started an Online Course or e-learning course? Struggling to motivate yourself to study?
Don’t worry! Many people make the mistake of thinking that an online course is going to be much easier. Even though it’s more convienient to study at home, you need to be able to motivate yourself , have strong commitment and the willpower to succeed.
Here are our Top Tips for study motivation!
Tip 1 – Create a study routine
Get yourself into a habit of studying on certain days or times. If you’re someone who thrives on routine, this is the tip for you. Research suggests that it typically takes 20 to 30 days to form a habit. So you’ll have to put in some work before this technique pays off.
Write down a study plan for the week and stick to it. Not only will you have more chance of developing a routine, but you’ll also get the satisfaction of finally ticking studying off your list.
Tip 2 – Remove all distractions
It goes without saying that you should get rid of anything that’s going to prevent you from learning. Make a list of anything that might break your concentration and do your best to remove them. There’s no way you can take in information with one eye on the textbook and one on your social media feed!
Also, ask your friends and family to respect your study time. That means no interuptions so you can concentrate fully on your course.
Tip 3 – Reward yourself & take breaks
It’s just as important to have some downtime while you’re studying. On average, people can concentrate for 35-45 minutes without a break. So we’d recommend you take 5-10 minute breaks in between studying. Take a short walk outside or make yourself a cup of tea. Fresh air and plenty of hydration is essential for studying.
Tip 4 – Don’t feel like starting? Set a 5 minute timer
There will be some days where you simply can’t get motivated. But don’t worry! Take a step back and relax. This technique will have you learning in no time.
First, set yourself a goal of studying for 5 minutes and start a timer. By the end of the 5 minutes, you’ll have got some momentum and will be able to carry on! And even if you don’t feel like carrying on, you’ve at least made a start.
Tip 5 – Remind yourself of your goals
When you feel demotivated, remind yourself of why you’re doing this to give yourself a goal to reach towards.
- to learn more and develop myself
- to develop the habit of pursuing excellence
- to become a more focused and disciplined person
- to get into a good school or university
- to have a successful career
Create you own list of goals and repeat them back to yourself. Just think how proud you’ll be once you reach them!