Can I sit a GCSE Maths Exam Online?

If you failed your GCSE maths, you may be wondering if you can resit your maths test online.

The short answer is you can’t. Unfortunately, all official tests such as GCSEs must be sat under strict exam conditions.

This means it cannot be sat online as exam boards cannot guarantee you sat it under these conditions. So, you must take your maths tests at an approved exam centre.

But don’t worry! Even though you cannot sit your exams online, you can study for Functional Skills which is an alternative to GCSE.

Functional Skills are English and maths qualifications designed to give you practical knowledge. This means you can take what you learn and apply it directly to your work or study.

One of the main benefits of Functional Skills is that they are much quicker than taking GCSE. So you can get the grades you need within a few months, rather than a year.

Functional Skills are quite often deemed easier than GCSE. But this is actually not the case. Functional Skills are better suited to those who struggled with GCSE, but not easier

Most employers and universities accept Functional Skills as an alternative to GCSE. So it’s an excellent way of getting your grades quickly and easily.

You’ll still need to take your exams at an approved centre, but you’ll be able to study online at your own pace.

Start a Functional Skills course today for as little as £29 per month.

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