Combined Maths Exam & Course Package
Sign up now for 6 months access to our unsupported course, as well as entry to the exam.
Reassuring you that your learning journey is covered and saving you more than £40!

Pay Monthly
£75/ x6 Monthly Instalments
- Access to our online learning platform
- Exam package including registration fees and certification
- Flexibility to spread the cost over 6 months of payments
*All payments must be made before exam results can be released
Buy Now
£450/ One off payment
- Access to our online learning platform
- Exam packaging including registration fees and certification
- Make a one off payment for the entire amount
People have been learning with us for more than 20 years
Our online maths and English courses are nationally recognised qualifications, backed by the Government and the ESFA.
Functional Skills qualifications can help you improve your career options, start an apprenticeship, or access higher education. Many higher education institutes and employers accept Functional Skills qualifications as an alternative to a GCSE pass grade.