Functional Skills English Level 1 Exam

Book your Functional Skills English Level 1 exam. Take your exams at an approved test centre or online with our remote exam invigilation.

You can sit your exams from home or anywhere with access to a laptop/computer and the internet under exam conditions.


Functional Skills Test Pass Rate

Test Centre Exams

  •         Exam Pre-Assessment
  •          2 Marked Mock Tests
  •           In-Centre Online Test
  •           Includes Registration Fees

Online Exams

  •         Exam Pre Assessment
  •         2 Marked Mock Tests
  •         Online Test From Home
  •         Remote Invigilation
  •         Includes Registration Fees

Partner Pricing

Get in touch
  •         Group Discounts
  •         Flexible Exam Times
  •         Online Courses & Tests
  •         Functional Skills Experts

Are you enrolled on a Functional Skills English course with Think Online Training?

If you are, please discuss booking your Functional Skills English exams with your English tutor.

If not, please read about our pre-assessment process before purchasing our Functional Skills English exam package.

Why is the pre-assessment necessary and what does it involve?

1. It ensures you are ready for your final exams and will help you avoid paying for resits.

2. You’ll complete a short test that will assess your skill level in each English topic that will be on the final exams. Your scores will help us find out if you’re ready for your final exams.

If you’re ready for your final exams, you’ll complete the steps below. If you’re not ready for your final tests, one of our English tutors will recommend a personal learning program. We’ll help you get you ready for the final exams as quickly possible.

3. Your tutor will contact you to discuss the speaking and listening exam. Your tutor will advise you on how to prepare for the exam and give you any support and guidance you need. You’ll need access to a computer with a camera and microphone to complete the speaking and listening exam online.

4. You’ll be provided with 4 mock tests: 2 Reading and 2 Writing. You will be required to sit these under exam conditions at home. Please don’t cheat! The mock tests will help you become more familiar with the exam style and format and ensure you’re able to complete within the allocated time.

Remember: by cheating, you are only cheating yourself; resits are NOT free!

Your tutor will aim to mark your mock tests and return them with feedback within 2 weeks.

5. If you’re successful with your mock tests, we will register you for the final tests. It’s possible to complete the Reading and Writing exams on the same day but you can book them on separate days if you’d prefer to.

6. It may take up to 6 weeks to get your results. We’ll send your E-Certificates by email and post your paper certificates.

7. Remember: should you need to resit any of your exams, you will need to pay the exam fees again! These pre-assessments will help give you the best possible chance at passing the exams first time and save you time and money in the long run.

Functional Skills English Entry Level 3 Exam

Important: we aim to respond within 2 hours of payment between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. For payments made out-of-hours we’ll respond within one working day to arrange your pre-assessment.

Test Centre Exams

  •         Exam Pre-Assessment
  •          4 Marked Mock Tests
  •           In-Centre Online Test
  •           Includes Registration Fees

Online Exams

  •         Exam Pre Assessment
  •         4 Marked Mock Tests
  •         Online Test From Home
  •         Remote Invigilation
  •         Includes Registration Fees

Partner Pricing

Get in touch
  •         Group Discounts
  •         Flexible Exam Times
  •         Online Courses & Tests
  •         Functional Skills Experts


Is Functional Skills the same as a GCSE?
Functional Skills are recognised by training providers as an equivalent to a GCSE Grade A*- C (4-9). They are also widely accepted by employers, colleges, and universities. Although we do recommend checking this with the university concerned.
Is the qualification the same as one I might take in a test centre?

Yes, Functional Skills qualifications are Ofqual approved. This means that the qualification is an official, UK government approved qualification that is equivalent to a GCSE.

What is the duration of the exam?

The duration of the Functional Skills English Level 2 exams are:

  • Functional Skills English Level 2 Reading Exam: 1 hour
  • Functional Skills English Level 2 Writing Exam: 1 hour
  • Functional Skills English Level 2 Speaking, Listening & Communication Exam: up to 2 hours
Is the exam online or paper-based?

Our Functional Skills English exams are online exams. We're unable to offer remote paper-based Functional Skills English exams.

Who is the exam accredited with?

We'll give you a choice of examining bodies. Do you need your certificate urgently? We'll recommend the examining body with the quickest turnaround for exam results.

I’ve purchased the exam, but I’ve changed my mind. Can I have a refund?

If you cancel within seven days of purchasing, there will be an admin fee of £50. However, if we have registered you with the awarding body, this fee will increase to £75.

We do not offer refunds on exam purchases that are over 7 days.

How quickly can I take the exam after booking?
After purchasing your exam, we will contact you via email (please check your spam if you do not receive this) to ask you for Your ID. This is needed to register you with the awarding body and will be checked on the day of your exam. Registration takes 5 working days. This means, subject to availability, you can take your exam within a week of purchase.
Do I need to do anything between purchasing my exam and taking the exam?

Once you have purchased the exam, one of our tutors will get in touch to discuss dates and times and to ask you for your ID. We will also suggest that you complete one of the free awarding bodies self-marking mock exams or purchase one of our tutor marked mocks to ensure you are ready.

A week before the exam, we will contact you again to provide you with some mock preparation techniques and exam specifications/rules. This will enable you to fully prepare for the exam.

The day before the exam, we will email you a reminder of the time and information relating to the software you need to download. We will also take this opportunity to wish you luck!

On the day of your exam, you will be sent a link to a video call by one of our Ofqual-approved invigilators who will assist you in setting up your exam.

What if I need to reschedule my exam after I have booked the date?
You can reschedule your exam once, without charge, if it is over seven days from the actual date of the exam. Additional reschedules will be charged at £50 to cover the cost of administration etc.
What is the pass mark for the exam?

Indicative pass marks are an indication of what the pass mark will be. Please see the table below for indicative pass marks for each course.

LevelSubjectMarks availableIndicative Pass Mark (Upper end of the range of pass marks)
Level 1Mathematics6033
Level 2Mathematics6033
Level 1Reading3019
Level 2Reading3020
Level 1Writing5431
Level 2Writing5431

When will I get the results for the my exams?

It usually takes up to 2 weeks but is often much quicker. 

It can be longer if the awarding body reviews your exam marking or they’re in the process of adjusting their grade boundaries.

If you need your results quickly, we can provide an e-certificate while your certificates are in the post.

How much does it cost to resit my Functional Skills English exams?

Functional Skills English resits are £175 per exam.